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The Seer Almine's Studio presents:
Sacred Alchemical Musical Ceremony
Format: Downloadable mp3
Awaken a Giant of Faith within yourself!
"Make your highest choices from faith in yourself, rather than from fear."
– The Seer Almine
When faith becomes our lifestyle, all issues of doubt and fear concerning healing and manifestation fall away by themselves. We will never think about “more advanced manifestation techniques” or “more advanced methods of self-protection,” because living in the Power of Faith, we always manifest abundance, we cannot be led astray by deceptions and ill-intent of “nefarious ones,” we always know how to heal ourselves and what choices to make.
This Sacred Ceremony is alchemically designed to activate within us the following:
1) If you are not sure whether you know your Highest Truth and whether your desires comply with Infinite Intent, if you doubt your ability to make the right decisions, if you are not sure you are protected enough, not sure you are experienced enough in the area of manifestation, or, if you constantly struggle in any areas of your life – The Sound Alchemy of the Power of Faith Сeremony will awaken and activate your inner connection with your Highest Truth which is Infinite Intent in you. Some of our Lightfamily share that they sometimes feel disconnected from their Inner Truth, and some say they have never been sure they ever had this connection. This is why they learned to rely on external sources of information and support. If this is you, then this Ceremony is definitely for you.
2) If you know that you always live according to your Highest Truth; if you easily manifest all you need and find all necessary help and answers within yourself; if you know that your life is completely safe and secure, that you are always in the right place, at the right time, with the right people – then this Ceremony is also for you, because we never stop growing in faith and strengthening our connection with our Infinite Selves.
What is faith? It is a state of being that comes from our Divine Source of Inner Knowing that gives you absolute confidence in yourself.
Faith is not wishful thinking. It is not just wishing “everything will be ok,” with absolutely no inner sense of knowing that this is true. But when you know within your Divine Self that something is true, you cannot be shaken, you cannot be fearful or doubtful, you cannot live in lack, you cannot find yourself in questionable life situations or in failure and defeat – for the very simple reason: your Highest Truth that you know deep within yourself is always at-one with the Evolution of Life. Lack, setbacks, defeat, self-destructive habits and the like, cannot, by their nature, promote evolution. According to Almine, all this is based on fear and uncertainty. Fear and uncertainty stem from disorientation due to our being disconnected from our True Selves.
If we live at one with the Truth of our Beings, then we do not need to try to have faith, because we always know what Infinite Intent is – always! And if we always know what our next step is, where we are supposed to be, and what we are supposed to do, we always live in abundance and safety. Living our Highest Truth is what the Power of this Musical Ceremony helps us to activate and strengthen within ourselves. This is vitally important for us, especially at such a time as this. We hear of wars and rumors of wars, terrorism, political unrest and epidemics. And some of us still ask the question – can we be sure we are really safe? This question clearly indicates that those who ask it do not live in faith. They either never experienced what faith is, or they allow themselves to be shaken by what they see with their natural eyes and hear with their natural ears, if it is contrary to what they know within themselves.
Those of us who have great faith sometimes allow times of weakness and uncertainty. It takes great Mastery of Self-Discipline to hold fast to our Divine Inner Knowing, even when natural circumstances manifest the contrary. The Great Secret that has always been known by mystics from ancient times is that, if we choose to cling to what we know within our True Selves, no matter what – no matter what our outer senses perceive – our physical world will inevitably transform into what we perceive through our Inner Knowing. But only if we do not allow ourselves even a shadow of thought that is contrary to our Divine Inner Knowing.
It is important for us to know that nothing happens by itself. We cannot be irresponsible and just say “whatever happens, happens.” If we say that, it becomes true – we allow “whatever” to happen to us. It means we just give up, so then someone else comes in and starts to make things happen that are far from the ultimate best for us and the planet. The worst thing we can do is to renounce our power of Sacred Government – just think, who will govern in our stead?
We need to understand something extremely important: we do not try to save anyone. The only thing that brings Divine Government to Earth – which promotes the evolution and flourishing of all expressions of life, including humanity – is our living according to our Divine Inner Knowing, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, with no compromise. We must be prepared for the fact that sometimes external “voices” seem louder than our Inner Truth, and it takes steadfastness and self-determination to stay with our Highest Truth and not be swayed by contrary influences.
That is why this Ceremonial Elixir will be helpful as your constant companion on your spiritual journey: it contains powerful Alchemy for strengthening your lifeline and connecting you with your Inner Divine Truth – the source of your true faith that moves mountains and makes the impossible possible, if you know, deep within your Self, that it is possible, even though everything around you tries to convince you of the contrary. It takes Divine Faith to not believe your eyes and ears, and even your physical body, if it expresses sickness and disease when your Inner Knowing tells you that you have perfect health. You consciously plan your life in accordance to your Inner Knowing of perfect health, rather than giving credence to the illusion of disease.
Almine refers to awakening within us the all-powerful omnipotent “genie,” whose name is Asif: “as if.” Act as if you are what you know you are, and as if you have what you know you have. Even though it may seem difficult at the beginning stages, the secret here is to never give up. Even if you can only take tiny little steps – focus on those steps, and never on any condition or situation that contradicts your Sacred Divine Inner Knowing. If you know that the truth about you is abundance, focus on feeling and acting like a self-reliant and self-sufficient person, absolutely confident in your ability to manifest everything you need at any given moment. Everything will always be according to what you know it should be. You do not have to convince yourself of that, or make an effort to believe it. You just know the Truth.
Practical Instructions:
Set aside a special Ceremonial time and place, and start playing the Ceremonial Sound Elixir.
Get in touch with your Divine Inner Knowing. It is easy: just by the power of your intent. Say within yourself that, now, you are in touch with your Divine Inner Knowing. The Alchemy of the Elixir will greatly support you in that. Here you are the embodiment of your True Divine Infinite Self, and you know the Truth.
While listening to the Elixir, allow your inner knowing to express in your thoughts and imagination. Allow boundless freedom to your imagination. Let it show you in motion pictures what your life is, and what it will always be. See and feel within yourself how your True Life unfolds.
While listening, feel the strong intent that you will always stay firmly and steadfastly with the Truth that you know within your Divine Inner Being, repeating this as a reminder within yourself as many times as necessary. Keep reminding yourself that your world around you inevitably adjusts to the Inner Truth that you feel deep within your Infinite Self.
You can use this Sound Elixir for conscious listening any time and as many times as you want.
Duration 44:22
We are The Seer Almine's Studio, students of Almine tasked with continuing The Seer's Sound Healing program. We regularly create Sound Elixirs to heal current issues affecting the Earth and our Global Lightfamily, in keeping with The Seer's messages to us. All music recorded in the Studio is owned by Almine and produced with her Blessing, under her spiritual authority and according to her instructions. We also strive to make available products and teachings of The Seer that are not available on other platforms, as a complement to,, and
“…Thank you for the beautiful “Healing of the Earth” Sound Elixir! Wow, I’m experiencing so much magic since doing the ceremony...”
"What a joy, to have the privilege of allowing the Infinite to work Its miraculous acts of Love through us!
These unique musical tones invisibly activate delicate strings in us and our wonderful planet. They were born of authentic, innocent insights of pure hearts, for which reason they, without a doubt, bring the Earth messages and blessings from the Infinite.
The time will come when Almine will tell us the amazing planetary and cosmic events we initiated by such an extraordinary Musical Ceremony expressing our sincere love to the cradle of Cosmic Life – the wonderful and patient planet Earth. Inspiration and childlike innocence are all we need, for Infinite Intent to be gently transmitted to the planet without even the smallest distortion.
We have birthed a new humanity. As conscious parents, we create, with inspiration, a sacred space for our children to develop in.
And it is not somewhere out there, but right here, on our planet Earth that is awakened by the singing of birds, washed by the fresh morning dew, and fed by Infinite Intent.
There are many of us that are awakened, inspired and joyful. We are in every corner of the world. And our whole planet can become a unified, sacred, joyful home for the new humanity.
And all that we need for this is to remain in deep inner silence, alone with the planet, accompanied by enchanting musical sounds. And this is Alchemy worthy of true masters. The rest is done by the Infinite.
“This is truly an instrument of the Field of the One. Not only because it needs no translation to be understood by anyone in our Lightfamily, but also because now all of us, using this tool, co-create a new reality, a new Earth, a new Cosmos – all from one united, incorruptible, pure impulse, but each in their own way! And this what life in the Field of the One is all about!
Absorb the Elixirs with your whole being. Whatever corner of the Earth we live in, whatever cultural, ethnic or other traditions we come from, each one will certainly hear a personal message to them encoded in the Elixirs! The Elixirs have a message for absolutely everyone – for the ones that hear it now, and for the ones that will hear it later in Divine timing.
These Musical Elixirs are an eternal tool for our eternal path. They will activate new tones in us every time we listen to them, which will naturally and harmoniously weave into the graceful and elegant lacework of our new reality. This reality will remain forever new, because each new tone we access within changes it in incomprehensible ways.
The boundless horizons are forever in us! We have no need to go beyond them by going, or flying, or sailing somewhere. We just have to allow ourselves to experience them. The Elixirs facilitate this. Actually, they just do it – if, of course, we are open. And then our New Beginnings will never end, and our journey will stretch beyond the horizons of Eternity.”