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The Seer Almine’s Studio presents:
The Musical Power Sigil for
Goddess Archetype 3:
Ka-li-ma (Belspa-mivechvi)
The Goddess of equity and destroyer of illusion
She who parts the veil
“Within physicality, the law of compensation creates a circular movement, like a dog chasing its tail, since something is always owed. In recognizing indivisible fullness, life becomes still.” – The Seer Almine
Injustice is an illusion and Ka-li-ma dispels illusion by bringing justice. Nothing can be taken from us – anything taken must be restored in some other way. The same applies to material gain – for every gain there is a loss. However, our understanding of “loss” or “payment” for getting ahead has become distorted. If we give up our false ideas, our illusions, our misperceptions – all of that counts as “payment.” That which is “gained” but is really part of our true nature, such as wisdom, carries no on-going penalty. It comes from the unifying field of indwelling life rather than the separatism of material life. We pay by piercing the illusion hidden within the opposition of our lives, but once the toll has been paid and the gateway to wisdom opens, it is ours to receive freely. Life is a constant give-and-take of giving up illusions and gaining wisdom.
The Goddess Archetype Ka-li-ma is the key to our freedom from the illusion of cause and effect, or karma. So many people are convinced they must do something to deserve anything “good” they receive from life. This is known as a “crime and punishment paradigm.” It implies the possibility that we can do something against the will of some “higher power,” which will express indignation for what it perceives as a punishable act.
To experience a life of freedom, we need to free our ourselves of any convictions that we must do something (unpleasant) to deserve what we want to have, and that we can be denied access to our lifeforce or vitally important resources by the whim of some “higher spiritual power,” suffering loss as a consequence. According to this illusion, we always owe something to someone – either we have to perform certain deeds worthy of reward, or we have to act a certain way in order to gain someone’s benevolence and approval.
The Goddess Archetype of this month gives us a priceless opportunity to see if we still cultivate remnants of this illusion. If we do, then we can allow the Power of the Sound Alchemy of Ka-li-ma to set us completely free. If you are confident that you are already completely free, then the Sound Alchemy will open more doors of opportunity for you to enjoy your Infinite Boundlessness in countless expressions. Everyone, without exception, can benefit from this Musial Power Sigil, regardless of their level of consciousness. It will activate in you tremendous miracle-working power if you are open to receive it. There is nothing we need to do to receive a “punishment” or “reward.” We are here to just live and enjoy ourselves.
Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.
The Truth
Number one: There is no such thing as a power higher than you. No one else decides whether or not you deserve to be rewarded. You do not have to do anything to deserve something. Your self-expression is not a means to achieve a goal – it is the goal. When you do what you love, you are already receiving what you want. What other goal or reward do you need, if you are already achieving the greatest pleasure by doing what you love with all your being? When we are free from the paradigm of cause and effect, the concept of “reward” is meaningless.
Number two: There are no “higher powers” that judge and decide whether you deserve to be punished for something. The concept of “punishment” loses its meaning too.
But you may ask why people suffer, if they are not being punished or experiencing “negative karma”? It is not punishment – it is them expressing themselves as creators of their personal reality. Technically, each one of us can create for ourselves the life of our dreams and desires. The desires of some people may be at variance with the conventional understanding of peace and happiness, and therefore be very surprising. But what is peace and happiness to one person may be hell to another, and vice versa. It is for this reason that Almine has told us many times, on many occasions, that we have no need to “save” others. We want to “save” them from their “hell,” but “hell” for us may be paradise to them. If some of them are really ready for a transition, then somehow our paths will cross, and they will ask the right question for us to give them a message that they need for their next step. But if they do not want to change anything in their reality (they may say they do, but actions speak louder than words), it means they are happy with what they have, with their current creations. It is pointless to try and speculate about someone else’s life that looks to us like consequences of “negative karma” – according our own personal beliefs and preferences. The Ka-li-ma Goddess principle sets us free from all illusion – all limiting belief systems – so that we can fully enjoy our Divine Boundlessness.
The Truth established by the Ka-li-ma Goddess Archetype is boundless creativity and enjoyment of our creations, in return for surrendered illusions – not something that has to be done to deserve reward or punishment.
If we do what we love, there is nothing more pleasant and joyous than that! We are giving our fullest contribution to the evolution of life, so there is no other price to pay! And there is nothing else to want – we are already at the peak of self-enjoyment – if we really and truly live a life we love. It is impossible to imagine a life where we do what we hate (payment), in order to do reap the reward of something we love.
Practical Recommendations
As you listen to this Musical Power Sigil, allow yourself to see if there are any areas where you are even slightly convinced that you must do something you do not love or do not want to do, in order to get what you love and want. Are you still reward-minded? Do you still think that you must deserve or pay the price for your well-being? If your answer to any of the above is “yes,” then you are allowing yourself to be deceived by illusion, incorrectly applying the Law of Compensation (Karma).
If you still believe that you can do something “wrong,” and some “higher powers” or “spiritual laws” can punish you for something, then you are deceived by the same illusion. One of the modern versions of “God the Judge” is a belief in impersonal “spiritual laws” that exist somewhere in the universe, apart from us, and that the universe supports, rewards, or punishes us according to behavioral standards established by some mysterious “universal force.”
There are no other laws besides yourself. You are the Highest Authority, the Higher Power, the Lawgiver and the Most Powerful Force in your life. It is unto you what you decide for yourself. By the power of your firm decision, you can consciously create your life experience. There is no power greater than the power of your conscious decision. Sound Alchemy is greatly powerful, but it is not an external force. This Alchemical music exists solely for the purpose of activating perception of your personal boundless Divine Power. Like all of Almine’s tools, it is a language of communication with yourself.
While listening to the Sigil, see yourself as the only determining factor for everything that takes place in your life. Realize that contributing your self-expression and constantly relinquishing the old are all the payments you ever need to make, and they are deserving of the highest “reward”! You are the only Creator of your experience, and the only Lord of your life. Any judgment or punishment comes from within. Allow yourself to see the futility and pointlessness of belief in “higher powers” or “spiritual laws” that can judge you in any way. The only spiritual law that exists is the Law of Your Conscious Living.
Duration 15:42
We are The Seer Almine's Studio, students of Almine tasked with continuing The Seer's Sound Healing program. We regularly create Sound Elixirs to heal current issues affecting the Earth and our Global Lightfamily, in keeping with The Seer's messages to us. All music recorded in the Studio is owned by Almine and produced with her Blessing, under her spiritual authority and according to her instructions. We also strive to make available products and teachings of The Seer that are not available on other platforms, as a complement to,, and
“…Thank you for the beautiful “Healing of the Earth” Sound Elixir! Wow, I’m experiencing so much magic since doing the ceremony...”
"What a joy, to have the privilege of allowing the Infinite to work Its miraculous acts of Love through us!
These unique musical tones invisibly activate delicate strings in us and our wonderful planet. They were born of authentic, innocent insights of pure hearts, for which reason they, without a doubt, bring the Earth messages and blessings from the Infinite.
The time will come when Almine will tell us the amazing planetary and cosmic events we initiated by such an extraordinary Musical Ceremony expressing our sincere love to the cradle of Cosmic Life – the wonderful and patient planet Earth. Inspiration and childlike innocence are all we need, for Infinite Intent to be gently transmitted to the planet without even the smallest distortion.
We have birthed a new humanity. As conscious parents, we create, with inspiration, a sacred space for our children to develop in.
And it is not somewhere out there, but right here, on our planet Earth that is awakened by the singing of birds, washed by the fresh morning dew, and fed by Infinite Intent.
There are many of us that are awakened, inspired and joyful. We are in every corner of the world. And our whole planet can become a unified, sacred, joyful home for the new humanity.
And all that we need for this is to remain in deep inner silence, alone with the planet, accompanied by enchanting musical sounds. And this is Alchemy worthy of true masters. The rest is done by the Infinite.
“This is truly an instrument of the Field of the One. Not only because it needs no translation to be understood by anyone in our Lightfamily, but also because now all of us, using this tool, co-create a new reality, a new Earth, a new Cosmos – all from one united, incorruptible, pure impulse, but each in their own way! And this what life in the Field of the One is all about!
Absorb the Elixirs with your whole being. Whatever corner of the Earth we live in, whatever cultural, ethnic or other traditions we come from, each one will certainly hear a personal message to them encoded in the Elixirs! The Elixirs have a message for absolutely everyone – for the ones that hear it now, and for the ones that will hear it later in Divine timing.
These Musical Elixirs are an eternal tool for our eternal path. They will activate new tones in us every time we listen to them, which will naturally and harmoniously weave into the graceful and elegant lacework of our new reality. This reality will remain forever new, because each new tone we access within changes it in incomprehensible ways.
The boundless horizons are forever in us! We have no need to go beyond them by going, or flying, or sailing somewhere. We just have to allow ourselves to experience them. The Elixirs facilitate this. Actually, they just do it – if, of course, we are open. And then our New Beginnings will never end, and our journey will stretch beyond the horizons of Eternity.”