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The Seer Almine’s Studio presents:
The Royal Path
June 2023 Sacred Alchemical Musical Ceremony
Adjunct to The Royal Marriage Solstice Ceremony 2023
Format: Downloadable mp3
The Ceremonial Sound Elixir
The Royal Path Ceremonial Sound Elixir consists of an alchemical combination of different forms of musical expression, with the purpose of enhancing the 2 Principles of The Royal Path:
1) Omni-Perspectives
2) Embracing Diversity
The Sound Elixir is alchemically designed to enhance these 2 qualities in us, enabling us to walk The Royal Path – The Path of a Master, a King/Queen; Sacred Governor of your own life and, as proxy, Governor of all Planetary and Cosmic Life.
The Royal Path
First of all, our Royal self-expression does not have anything to do with historical and presently existing monarchies. Our Royal Majestic Self-Expression has nothing in common with regalia and status symbols that are meant to maintain and support someone’s royal position. If someone really has spiritual power and authority, they do not need anyone or anything to maintain or prove it. They do not need to create an atmosphere around them that reminds them and others of their royal status. True Kings and Queens – those who govern their own lives – do not need complex royal protocols and propriety rules, they do not need special clothing or any other symbols that confirm their authority. If there is a lot of tension and complexity associated with someone’s claim to be a king, a queen, a ruler, or any kind of authority figure, then we should ask – are we dealing with something unreal and artificial? If someone is a natural leader, they do not need a complex support system to maintain, enhance and empower their leadership. A True Leader that walks The Royal Path is naturally self-empowered and self-supported. If someone is trying to occupy or hold a position that does not correspond to their true nature and place in the cosmic networking, they naturally cannot be a self-empowered authority in that area – but they can be true authorities in the areas that are their domains. It literally means that all of us, with no exceptions, are Kings and Queens in our lives, walking The Royal Path and executing our creative power in constantly manifesting our life experiences, as long as we are where we naturally belong. For example, gifted teachers are teaching, and they are Kings and Queens in the area of teaching. Every word that they speak while they lecture, has Royal power. But, if teachers try to be businessmen, and they do not naturally belong to the world of business, they do not execute royal power in that area and, as a consequence, they are not able to feel genuine self-confidence.
The Issue of Self-Confidence
There is really no need for us to try to be self-confident and to do something to boost our self-confidence. If we do not feel self-confident, it means that we are trying to apply ourselves where we do not naturally belong. We overflow with self-confidence if we live our own life and do our own things. If we lack self-confidence, we examine our life to see where we are trying to do someone else’s job. When we become aware of that, we switch to our true domain and become Kings and Queens again. Self-confidence is one of the key qualities of one who walks The Royal Path. And we are naturally Royal when we live according to our individual nature, which is different from person to person.
The Two Keys to Royal Life
No matter what the realm of your personal domain is, there are two Keys that unlock our Boundless Royal Potential. The more we cultivate them in our lives, the more Royal Power we manifest. Our Royal Power expresses in our ability to create our own lives, instead of being someone or something else’s creation. If we, hypothetically, lose touch with these Keys, we feel it as moral and physical weakness. We may even sense inner paralysis – we know what to do and what we want to accomplish, but it is as if we cannot find the inner strength or inner resource to actually do it. Let us see how we can always be in touch with these Keys and always live our Royal Self-Expression.
1) Omni-Perspectives
A perspective is a way of perceiving and interpreting things. We limit ourselves in our self-expression as Royal Creators if we insist that “our truth is the only truth,” because our possibilities are equal to our level of perception. Life offers us unlimited possibilities, and they become available to us in accordance with our openness to more perspectives. We start with humble acknowledgement that our way of perceiving the world is not the only possible way. We humbly admit that there may be millions of nuances of interpretation of the same event or someone’s way of conduct. If we are open and willing to know and understand, then knowledge and understanding will be given to us, and we will find that we see and interpret things in a more enhanced way. Our current perception may be absolutely correct, but it is only a small part of a big picture. We cannot bring to a logical conclusion things we perceive and understand only in part. So, we humbly accept what we perceive, realizing that this is not the full picture, and that there will never be a point in our lives when we see and understand everything, because we live in an infinite ocean of information, and we access only the parts of it that are on demand for our current life situation. Tomorrow we will be in a different reality with different demands, and consequently, we will access different segments of available information that correspond to those new demands. This is why Almine says that she knows nothing. We are in the process of receiving information relevant to our current and not tomorrow’s life experience. If we live in that state of openness, then tomorrow we will be enriched by new perspectives, and we will see something we have never seen before. We honestly accept what we see today without trying to see “better” and be “better.” We do not deny today’s feelings, which tell us the truth of what we perceive today, and we can boldly express them if we like. But at the same time, we know this is not the only thing we can see. We can say, “Now I perceive this things this way, but tomorrow I may see something different.” This simple humility is a great power that activates in us the first Key to our Royal Self-Expression.
2) Embracing Diversity
Our Solstice Ceremony was dedicated to establishing harmonious cooperation between The True Divine Masculine and The True Divine Feminine, which is impossible without acknowledging and highly valuing diversity. These two elements are totally different in their self-expressions and their functions, but as they work together, they enhance and empower one another, each by their own unique gifts and qualities. We are not able to rise up in our Royal Power if we still judge anything as less valuable, as compared to something we see as more valuable – that is, if we still limit ourselves by hierarchies of importance. Almine often reminds us that all things are equally valuable. Every life form is the expression of The Infinite, and The Infinite cannot express something of a lower quality because that is naturally impossible. Imperfection can only exist in our interpretation of things. In a state of Embracing Diversity, we do not try to figure out if something is good or bad, perfect or imperfect, holy or profane. The only question that we ask ourselves is if this “something” is currently relevant to us or not, resonating with us in this moment, or not. If something is not relevant or not resonating, it does not mean that it is “less valuable” or “wrong,” it just means that it is not for us right now. If something exists, then it needs to exist. Different things exist for different purposes in different contexts. There are things that exist for us and for our purposes. We work with what is ours, and we are always open for new experiences, which may involve things which are not relevant now. If we embrace diversity, we are free from preconceived ideas about how life should work. Embracing Diversity is different than tolerance. We can tolerate something without having this heartfelt understanding of the importance of its existence, even it does not relate to our immediate life experience. Others may need this person or situation for their enhancement. If we understand this deeply in our hearts and beings, then we do not just tolerate things, we embrace them with love, and we sincerely rejoice in their existence – if they are not for us, then they are definitely for someone else’s benefit, and it is our true desire to see life complete in all its aspects.
When we become free from the need to judge and discriminate, it naturally becomes easy for us to see the equal value of all expressions of existence, including our Divine Inner Masculine and our Divine Inner Feminine. If we are free from conformity and embrace diversity, we have no potential for inner conflict, because we are free from attachments to belief systems. We can create our own belief systems if we wish to have reference points at this level. As Gods and Goddesses of our lives, we can create whatever we want to create. A belief system is not a problem. The only question is whether our belief system inspires us, empowers us, enhances our life experience, and supports us in our daily life. If it creates a lot of tension and inner conflict, then we can tell it “goodbye.” For example, if we embrace only our masculine qualities such as logical mind, desire to achieve and expand, and deny our feminine contemplative part, which is the source of our inspiration and spiritual power, then we will not be able to achieve anything substantial, because it is not first generated in our Inner Space, the Feminine’s domain. And the resources of Inner Space do not make sense, if they are not applied by the Masculine in the physical space, which is the Masculine’s domain. This is how they mutually embrace each other – by grateful acknowledgement of the gifts of each other’s existence.
Practical recommendations
Before listening:
Allow yourself to contemplate the Two Keys of Royal Self-Expression. To live a Royal Life is to always be The Source and The First Cause of your Reality, and never the effect of other causes. This is really a natural state of being which is available to us without any effort. All struggle comes from our attempts to go against ourselves and the natural flow of life. We are naturally open and loving if we do not cultivate rigid beliefs and preconceived ideas. Any judging thought is felt in our bodies as a “loss of energy,” and if we embrace all life as it is, we feel Boundlessly Omnipotent, full of joy and overflowing with inspiration. We naturally exchange gifts with all life. This is our life, when we are always open for new perspectives – if we are free from preconceived ideas, prejudices and value judgments – and consequently, we live as Kings and Queens, Creators of All Life, Sources of our own self-empowerment and abundance.
While listening:
Allow the Sound Alchemy to establish you in the Truth of your Royal Life. Just relax and let the sacred music do its work within you. Almine calls relaxation a deeply mystical state of being. The greatest, most successful self-work is done in a state of rest, relaxation and self-enjoyment, and especially while you are asleep. If you choose to fall asleep with this Ceremonial Sound Elixir and with other Sound Elixirs, it is a great choice. The Power of Sound Alchemy is always amplified by sleep.
Duration 40:49
We are The Seer Almine's Studio, students of Almine tasked with continuing The Seer's Sound Healing program. We regularly create Sound Elixirs to heal current issues affecting the Earth and our Global Lightfamily, in keeping with The Seer's messages to us. All music recorded in the Studio is owned by Almine and produced with her Blessing, under her spiritual authority and according to her instructions. We also strive to make available products and teachings of The Seer that are not available on other platforms, as a complement to,, and
“…Thank you for the beautiful “Healing of the Earth” Sound Elixir! Wow, I’m experiencing so much magic since doing the ceremony...”
"What a joy, to have the privilege of allowing the Infinite to work Its miraculous acts of Love through us!
These unique musical tones invisibly activate delicate strings in us and our wonderful planet. They were born of authentic, innocent insights of pure hearts, for which reason they, without a doubt, bring the Earth messages and blessings from the Infinite.
The time will come when Almine will tell us the amazing planetary and cosmic events we initiated by such an extraordinary Musical Ceremony expressing our sincere love to the cradle of Cosmic Life – the wonderful and patient planet Earth. Inspiration and childlike innocence are all we need, for Infinite Intent to be gently transmitted to the planet without even the smallest distortion.
We have birthed a new humanity. As conscious parents, we create, with inspiration, a sacred space for our children to develop in.
And it is not somewhere out there, but right here, on our planet Earth that is awakened by the singing of birds, washed by the fresh morning dew, and fed by Infinite Intent.
There are many of us that are awakened, inspired and joyful. We are in every corner of the world. And our whole planet can become a unified, sacred, joyful home for the new humanity.
And all that we need for this is to remain in deep inner silence, alone with the planet, accompanied by enchanting musical sounds. And this is Alchemy worthy of true masters. The rest is done by the Infinite.
“This is truly an instrument of the Field of the One. Not only because it needs no translation to be understood by anyone in our Lightfamily, but also because now all of us, using this tool, co-create a new reality, a new Earth, a new Cosmos – all from one united, incorruptible, pure impulse, but each in their own way! And this what life in the Field of the One is all about!
Absorb the Elixirs with your whole being. Whatever corner of the Earth we live in, whatever cultural, ethnic or other traditions we come from, each one will certainly hear a personal message to them encoded in the Elixirs! The Elixirs have a message for absolutely everyone – for the ones that hear it now, and for the ones that will hear it later in Divine timing.
These Musical Elixirs are an eternal tool for our eternal path. They will activate new tones in us every time we listen to them, which will naturally and harmoniously weave into the graceful and elegant lacework of our new reality. This reality will remain forever new, because each new tone we access within changes it in incomprehensible ways.
The boundless horizons are forever in us! We have no need to go beyond them by going, or flying, or sailing somewhere. We just have to allow ourselves to experience them. The Elixirs facilitate this. Actually, they just do it – if, of course, we are open. And then our New Beginnings will never end, and our journey will stretch beyond the horizons of Eternity.”