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The Seer Almine Studio presents:
May 2023 Great Self-Work:
Changing The Self to Change The Earth
International Sacred Alchemical Musical Ceremony
This is the culmination point of our Great Self-Work which we dedicate to our Beloved Planet Earth.
We join together in Collective Alchemy, in Timelessness (any day of May 2023) to follow the guidance of our Beloved Seer Almine and to bless and uplift all life. We have the Key that Opens The Door of Heaven. What is this Key and how do we use it?
First of all, we are infinitely grateful to The Seer Almine for the tool of Sacred Sound Alchemy. Her Studio is now executing The Seer’s commission to continue this sacred work and the power of alchemical sound is one of the greatest Keys available to us now. This Musical Ceremony is very special and different. Whenever we create elixirs, we are always in a deep trance while working with our available sounds and digital tools; later we listen to the final results of our work, and it is always a very surprising experience! This Ceremony is a very surprising combination of neo-classical and easy listening components. We realized that it contains a message for us: the more complex The Work, the more lighthearted it should be! So many of us have experienced this – great results are achieved with lightheartedness!
One of our Lightfamily members from Ukraine told us how she once served as a conduit of Divine Healing for her nephew. He suddenly became seriously ill and was taken to the hospital in an unconscious state. While the ambulance was still on the way to the hospital, her sister called her and asked her to do some spiritual assistance. The phone call woke her up, she answered the call being still half asleep, and in this natural state of drowsiness and deepest relaxation, she just told her sister not to worry, everything will be alright with him. After those words, she fell asleep again. But the moment she spoke those words, her nephew regained consciousness, and the medical examinations in the hospital did not find any issues with his health. The healing was instant! This is a reason for us to pay closer attention to Almine’s teaching about the power of impartial observation that manifests great supernatural results. Almine teaches us a lot about effortlessness and non-resistance. When we try hard to heal or manifest something, we produce the opposite results. What we fight, we ignite. What we resist, persists, and even grows in size. If we try to put effort into our attempt to change the world, then the things we want to get rid of will become bigger and stronger. We have a chance to prevent cataclysms, global lockdowns, global health issues and risks of a global war, if, instead of addressing these things directly, we use the Greatest Mystical Key shared by The Seer with a small inner circle of her most devoted students and office staff members:
The Power of Neutral Focus
The impetus of the masculine is pro-activity. This is the “we need to do something about it” approach. The feminine seems inactive in the outer space, but she is active in the inner space. She receives and distributes the valuables of the inner space – information and frequency. When we try to find information or solutions, we are active in our inner space. It is the feminine in action. But there is a source that supports harmonious coexistence and operation of both the feminine and the masculine, which is the neutral state of being. If we imagine a stick – the two ends of the stick are the masculine and the feminine, but the center is the neutral pole which connects the two ends, and basically supports the existence of and harmonious cooperation between the masculine and the feminine.
In order to accomplish our Holy Assignment for this month, May 2023, and to prevent what needs to be prevented, we need all three dynamics in action. But the secret is that when we keep the neutral focus, we enable smooth operation of the other two poles without “doing” anything specific with them directly. To accomplish this Great Work, we need the pro-activity of the masculine, and the inner-space resource management of the feminine, but we know that all of this is happening even if we are not directly aware of it, while we keep the neutral focus.
Many of us have experienced that we achieve the greatest results when we just let go. It is as if we completely withdraw ourselves from what we are trying to achieve. And then, to our great surprise, we see it happening perfectly, as if by itself. This is how we instinctually find our neutral focus.
If we know exactly what the neutral focus is, then we can use it more consciously. It works especially in situations of emergency. It is not carelessness, indifference or irresponsibility, even though it may look like all of these, but really it is not. We can use it consciously, knowing that this brings great supernatural solutions to seemingly hopeless situations.
Practical recommendations
We are going to use the pure neutral focus during the entire time of the Musical Ceremony, while listening to the Ceremonial Sound Elixir.
It is recommended to use the world map as a point of focus.
What is the pure neutral focus?
In the state of pure neutral focus, we remain in the state of pleasant, relaxed stillness while listening to the Ceremonial Elixir.
We do not try to “do” something “for the world”, like, affirmations, visualizations, thought projections etc. (which would be the masculine focus). We also do not try to “do” something in our Inner Space: we do not try to find any information or revelations about the “origins of the issues and ways to prevent them.” If we always try to be either masculine (pro-active) or feminine (receptive and distributing), without the neutral focus, then we attract catastrophic events by continually creating electric charges between them. But the wonderful thing is that when we keep ourselves neutrally oriented, we keep the masculine and the feminine doing their jobs and interacting smoothly and harmoniously, without even being aware of it.
The Neutral Focus is a state of complete stillness within. We do not try to do anything, and we do not try to receive anything. Almine teaches about 7 Powers of Creation. And the 7th of them is the Power of Rest – The Neutral Focus. And the 7th Power contains within itself all other 6.
When we stay neutral, we become living conduits of The Infinite. The paradox is that the neutral state of being is the most active and the most powerful, although it seems like we are doing absolutely nothing and receiving absolutely nothing. It can even be a state of drowsiness, or slumber – we can even fall asleep, consciously, into the neutral focus. If that happens for you during The Ceremony, it would be a success. This Ceremony can be repeated over and over again – now we know why falling asleep with it would be ideal.
Before the Ceremony:
Read Almine’s message about our Great Work, which we will do now (see PDF download, or read at the following link):
May 2023 (We need to get busy with The Self-Work):
If you would like to print it out and keep it with the world map, that would be a good idea.
Have the world map in your Ceremonial Space, as a point of focus for The Ceremony.
We understand that we will achieve all the changes in our lifestyle that are listed in the article if we just hold them in our attention without trying to figure out what exactly we should do to achieve them. You will see that just your slight intent brought into your neutral focus will cause you to embody all those changes. You will just find yourself expressing them after The Ceremony.
Pay attention to the list of cataclysmic events that will be prevented by your neutral focus – without trying to “send” or “project” anything, or to “do” anything else. Or, without trying to “receive information” on “how” to prevent them. Even if you start receiving some glimpses of information, do not pay attention to them during The Ceremony. They will re-occur later. We need to move beyond fear of missing something or losing something. This is also a part of our current Ceremonial process. In order to neutralize the world unrest, we need to move away from our own personal unrest and move into a state of rest. To be afraid of missing or losing some information is a sign of unrest. We can find our rest by not paying attention to fear. We do not fight it. We are aware of it, but we do not obey it. It will disintegrate if we do not cooperate with it.
While listening:
The best time to perform this Ceremony is when falling asleep. You fall asleep in a conscious state of neutral focus. You may have the world map near your bed or under your bed or mattress, whatever you prefer. You are aware that it is your point of focus. While listening to The Ceremonial Elixir, you just fall asleep in the awareness of the Planet Earth and its safety, and in awareness that your lifestyle is changing in accordance to the message in the article “May, 2023.”
You can choose to listen to The Ceremony during the day, without falling asleep. Allow yourself to have a wonderful time of rest and relaxation while listening, keeping Almine’s Message and the World Map in your awareness, in the state of neutral focus, which is the state of no giving, no receiving, but just being. The greatest manifestations of The Infinite’s Power and the most intense Interdimensional activities take place when we are in a state of neutral focus. Possibly, we will see and feel nothing except the pleasant bliss of relaxation, but we will see the results of our Work later – in our personal lives and globally.
You may play The Ceremony on repeat, if you would like to extend your Ceremonial experience.
Duration: 41:52
We are The Seer Almine's Studio, students of Almine tasked with continuing The Seer's Sound Healing program. We regularly create Sound Elixirs to heal current issues affecting the Earth and our Global Lightfamily, in keeping with The Seer's messages to us. All music recorded in the Studio is owned by Almine and produced with her Blessing, under her spiritual authority and according to her instructions. We also strive to make available products and teachings of The Seer that are not available on other platforms, as a complement to,, and
“…Thank you for the beautiful “Healing of the Earth” Sound Elixir! Wow, I’m experiencing so much magic since doing the ceremony...”
"What a joy, to have the privilege of allowing the Infinite to work Its miraculous acts of Love through us!
These unique musical tones invisibly activate delicate strings in us and our wonderful planet. They were born of authentic, innocent insights of pure hearts, for which reason they, without a doubt, bring the Earth messages and blessings from the Infinite.
The time will come when Almine will tell us the amazing planetary and cosmic events we initiated by such an extraordinary Musical Ceremony expressing our sincere love to the cradle of Cosmic Life – the wonderful and patient planet Earth. Inspiration and childlike innocence are all we need, for Infinite Intent to be gently transmitted to the planet without even the smallest distortion.
We have birthed a new humanity. As conscious parents, we create, with inspiration, a sacred space for our children to develop in.
And it is not somewhere out there, but right here, on our planet Earth that is awakened by the singing of birds, washed by the fresh morning dew, and fed by Infinite Intent.
There are many of us that are awakened, inspired and joyful. We are in every corner of the world. And our whole planet can become a unified, sacred, joyful home for the new humanity.
And all that we need for this is to remain in deep inner silence, alone with the planet, accompanied by enchanting musical sounds. And this is Alchemy worthy of true masters. The rest is done by the Infinite.
“This is truly an instrument of the Field of the One. Not only because it needs no translation to be understood by anyone in our Lightfamily, but also because now all of us, using this tool, co-create a new reality, a new Earth, a new Cosmos – all from one united, incorruptible, pure impulse, but each in their own way! And this what life in the Field of the One is all about!
Absorb the Elixirs with your whole being. Whatever corner of the Earth we live in, whatever cultural, ethnic or other traditions we come from, each one will certainly hear a personal message to them encoded in the Elixirs! The Elixirs have a message for absolutely everyone – for the ones that hear it now, and for the ones that will hear it later in Divine timing.
These Musical Elixirs are an eternal tool for our eternal path. They will activate new tones in us every time we listen to them, which will naturally and harmoniously weave into the graceful and elegant lacework of our new reality. This reality will remain forever new, because each new tone we access within changes it in incomprehensible ways.
The boundless horizons are forever in us! We have no need to go beyond them by going, or flying, or sailing somewhere. We just have to allow ourselves to experience them. The Elixirs facilitate this. Actually, they just do it – if, of course, we are open. And then our New Beginnings will never end, and our journey will stretch beyond the horizons of Eternity.”