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The Seer Almine's Studio presents:
The Full Recovery of Health International Sacred Alchemical Musical Ceremony
Format: Downloadable mp3 + PDF (The Full Recovery of Health Power Sigil)
This Ceremony is a celebration of our connection with the Intent of The Infinite to heal, restore and empower us, especially in those areas of our lives in which we still experience blockages and limitations. Now we will experience a new wave of healing, refreshing and upliftment!
The names of all participants of this Musical Ceremony will be placed on the Sacred Altar of the Team Almine Russia Office. After the Ceremony, the Team will conduct prayers and Sacred Ceremonies for your personal empowerment and well-being on a daily basis for an indefinite period of time.
This will help support us in May of this year (2023), when we start our great self-work to prevent a financial global collapse, another global lockdown, severe coastal and inland earthquake-related destruction, physical aches and pains and mental confusion from increased solar activities, and civil unrests. Almine said that we can prevent all of these things by healing and empowering ourselves by proxy. By living healthy and wholesome lives, we create the same reality of health and wholesomeness for the Earth. We heal the Earth by healing ourselves.
We can conduct The Full Recovery of Health Musical Ceremony at any time before the beginning of May 2023 and use the Ceremonial Elixir as background music for the entire month of May as alchemical support to dynamically reinforce the results of our Ceremony.
Practical recommendations
Print out the Power Sigil For The Full Recovery of Health, and take it to your Ceremonial space. If you sit, you can place it under your chair. If you lie down, you can place it under your pillow or mattress.
Before listening to The Ceremonial Sound Elixir contemplate the following:
Why do we feel ill? Why do we underachieve in the areas of creativity, and not have enough inner strength and resources to fulfill our role as The Sacred Government on Earth? Why are we not able to deeply enjoy ourselves and life, or be abundantly wholesome in our self-expression? The only ones who can limit and suppress us are us! Health is not limited only to only the physical part of us. We cannot focus our healing work on only one part of our lives. If we experience limitation in any area: physical, mental, emotional, etc., we know that it is a tangible manifestation of limitations imposed on us by ourselves. There is a connection between self-imposed inhibitions and taboos, and the physical and situational limitations that we experience.
Currently Team Almine Russia is working with several people who feel chronic physical fatigue. Some of them admit consciously imposing certain taboos and limitations upon themselves, through their own limiting beliefs about themselves. It is true that our minds can turn our Heaven into hell and our hell into Heaven. For example, someone thinks that if she is a healing practitioner, she cannot have a regular job or be a businesswoman. In this way, she limits her financial freedom. The truth is that we are unlimited – we are All That Is. If someone is a healer, they can also be a lawyer, or a manager, etc. We greatly restrict ourselves if we believe, or allow ourselves to be convinced, that we are able to do only one or two things and nothing more. For example, someone thinks that he can be only a melancholic personality type, but really he can also be a choleric, phlegmatic and sanguine. Sometimes we are calm and contemplative, other times we are hyperactive and very emotional.
If we make the conscious decision to allow ourselves to be all that we are and all we can be, then we will immediately see tangible indications of our health and well-being improving in all spheres of life. When we allow ourselves to be unlimited, we experience the same absolute freedom in the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and all other realms of our existence. If we do not limit ourselves in our self-expression, then we become flexible enough to use all the opportunities that life presents to us – to learn a new skill, to work at a new job, to start a new business, to become a professional psychologist or healing practitioner, etc. The truth is that we are all healers and intuitives, but we can suppress our supernatural abilities, because we either do not believe or do not know that we have them. But the truth is that all of us can create miracles and make the impossible possible.
Does that mean that we must do everything? Not necessarily. We have our preferences and desires. We may choose to be only lawyers or engineers all our life. Or we may want to be only spiritual teachers and healers. Whatever your preference is, it is the “law” for you. But you are absolutely aware that it is a matter of your conscious choice and not a self-imposed limitation. You consciously choose to live only in a certain way and to desire only that certain thing, but you absolutely know that you are not limited by that, and that you can always do something else if you want to. That is an unlimited state of being – we know that our preferences can change at any time, and we may suddenly feel inspired to do something else, but we also do not feel pressure to do more than one or two things for the sake of proving we are unlimited.
Our first step to recovering our health is accepting ourselves as unlimited beings. You are not only “this” or “that,” you are All That Is.
Our second step to recovering our health is totally accepting our current preferences by remaining open to new desires, preferences and possibilities that may occur at any time and may change our direction. We are ready to change our lives if our inspiration guides us into unfamiliar territory. We completely trust ourselves and our inspiration. We will never say, “But I am a healer! I cannot be a sales manager!” For now, we may want to be only healers, but we are wide open to other possibilities. We understand that today, we are what we are today, but tomorrow we may be something different. This is the attitude of unlimitedness.
In the state of unlimitedness you naturally heal yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially and in all other areas of your life. The Ceremonial Sound Elixir will alchemically support you in this process.
While listening:
Make sure that you are in the most comfortable position and that you will not be disturbed for approximately 1-1.5 hours. After listening to the Ceremonial Sound Elixir, you may wish to spend more time in the comfort of your solitude.
Make sure that the volume level is the most comfortable for you. The ideal Ceremonial setting would be a quiet room and a low-volume sound. We have found, by experience, that soft-volume music, and relaxed, defocused listening promotes self-inquiry and contemplation in a state of light or deep trance that awakens deeper levels of our omnisensory perception. To transition from limitations to unlimitedness, we transition from limited to unlimited self-perception. This is what the Sound Alchemy helps us with.
While listening to the Ceremonial Sound Elixir, scan all areas of your life and see if there are any areas in which you limit your self-expression – perhaps by your belief systems, by allowing yourself to live according to other people’s expectations, for any other reasons. There are some things you could have done or expressed that could have enormously expanded you spiritually, mentally, physically, financially, circumstantially, etc., but you denied them because you were consciously or unconsciously convinced that you could not be that or do those things. We adopt our self-sabotaging beliefs from our upbringing, our cultural traditions and stereotypes, books and mass media, spiritual teachings that introduce “forbidden” things, taboos, restrictions, etc.
For example, do we still believe that we cannot work at certain jobs or live in big cities just because we are Original Ones or Lightworkers? (There is a spiritual group in Siberia that believes that they can only live in rural areas, because they are Lightworkers).
Do we believe that we should not be involved in the corporate business world, and therefore avoid financial opportunities because we are “holier-than-that?”
Do we believe that we should not be too emotional because it is “not spiritual?”
Do we believe that certain genres of music are not “spiritual,” and thus we suppress our desire to listen to them, even though we like them? The truth is, if we naturally like something, that means it is supposed to be in our lives. The things we like are supposed to be in our lives. The proof of this is the fact that we like it. If we deny our access to things that we like, we live in limitation.
Are there any other similar beliefs that you can identify in your life?
While listening to the Ceremonial Elixir, allow yourself to completely relax and to be carried away by the music. Do not try to analyze your limiting beliefs. Do not try to change anything by force. Just observe them and how they limit your self-expression. Your limitations are dissolved, just by the power of your neutral impartial observation. Make this process totally effortless. Trust your subconscious to make you aware of all existing limiting beliefs. Just observe them and see them dissolve.
Duration: 46:30
We are The Seer Almine's Studio, students of Almine tasked with continuing The Seer's Sound Healing program. We regularly create Sound Elixirs to heal current issues affecting the Earth and our Global Lightfamily, in keeping with The Seer's messages to us. All music recorded in the Studio is owned by Almine and produced with her Blessing, under her spiritual authority and according to her instructions. We also strive to make available products and teachings of The Seer that are not available on other platforms, as a complement to,, and
“…Thank you for the beautiful “Healing of the Earth” Sound Elixir! Wow, I’m experiencing so much magic since doing the ceremony...”
"What a joy, to have the privilege of allowing the Infinite to work Its miraculous acts of Love through us!
These unique musical tones invisibly activate delicate strings in us and our wonderful planet. They were born of authentic, innocent insights of pure hearts, for which reason they, without a doubt, bring the Earth messages and blessings from the Infinite.
The time will come when Almine will tell us the amazing planetary and cosmic events we initiated by such an extraordinary Musical Ceremony expressing our sincere love to the cradle of Cosmic Life – the wonderful and patient planet Earth. Inspiration and childlike innocence are all we need, for Infinite Intent to be gently transmitted to the planet without even the smallest distortion.
We have birthed a new humanity. As conscious parents, we create, with inspiration, a sacred space for our children to develop in.
And it is not somewhere out there, but right here, on our planet Earth that is awakened by the singing of birds, washed by the fresh morning dew, and fed by Infinite Intent.
There are many of us that are awakened, inspired and joyful. We are in every corner of the world. And our whole planet can become a unified, sacred, joyful home for the new humanity.
And all that we need for this is to remain in deep inner silence, alone with the planet, accompanied by enchanting musical sounds. And this is Alchemy worthy of true masters. The rest is done by the Infinite.
“This is truly an instrument of the Field of the One. Not only because it needs no translation to be understood by anyone in our Lightfamily, but also because now all of us, using this tool, co-create a new reality, a new Earth, a new Cosmos – all from one united, incorruptible, pure impulse, but each in their own way! And this what life in the Field of the One is all about!
Absorb the Elixirs with your whole being. Whatever corner of the Earth we live in, whatever cultural, ethnic or other traditions we come from, each one will certainly hear a personal message to them encoded in the Elixirs! The Elixirs have a message for absolutely everyone – for the ones that hear it now, and for the ones that will hear it later in Divine timing.
These Musical Elixirs are an eternal tool for our eternal path. They will activate new tones in us every time we listen to them, which will naturally and harmoniously weave into the graceful and elegant lacework of our new reality. This reality will remain forever new, because each new tone we access within changes it in incomprehensible ways.
The boundless horizons are forever in us! We have no need to go beyond them by going, or flying, or sailing somewhere. We just have to allow ourselves to experience them. The Elixirs facilitate this. Actually, they just do it – if, of course, we are open. And then our New Beginnings will never end, and our journey will stretch beyond the horizons of Eternity.”