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International Practical Webinar Course
Living in the Incorruptible White Light. Activating the Portals of Limitlessness – Life with no Limitations
3 webinars with exclusive information from the Immortal Master Almine, practical techniques and activations
Facilitator: Ella Yelinek, translation is provided by Sergey Achkasov
If you have any questions, please mail to:
Product Description:
High Magic is the magic of boundlessness and eternal time, which makes it the most powerful form of magic in the Cosmos.
A Life of High Magic is a life of boundlessness, in which there are no limitations.
The transition from Resurrection into the Reality of High Magic – the Reality of Incorruptible, Liquid-Diamond White Light – is called the Bridge of No Space. In this new reality, life has form, but everything is in limitless supply. “Limitlessness” is a foreign concept to us, having not encountered it before. We have worked with the Bridge of No Time, which brought us to Resurrection. We worked with timelessness, and looking at things from an Eternal Perspective, etc. We have been studying this for some years. Now the time has come when we can fully acquire boundlessness and a life of no limitations.
In this episode of The Seer Almine Podcast, Ella and Sergey answer your questions about the upcoming practical webinar course "Activating the Portals of Limitlessness – Life with no Limitations".
- Opening the portal to Boundlessness - Life with no limitations
- Activation of the portal for all who wish to walk this path
- The new level of life experienced after activating the portals to Limitlessness and working with the oils of High Magic
- Deep experience of the I AM Presence of the Infinite, with integration of all the senses
- The small self and the I AM
- The mind's reaction to vastness and limitlessness
- The game of limitations and the game of limitlessness
- Unlimited abundance
- A life filled with miracles
- Freedom from the control of mind
- Creation of the new Reality of Incorruptible White Light with the collective consciousness of the group
The brain itself is not able to grasp limitlessness – therefore, when confronted with a boundless life, our mind tends to contract and become egoic, in order to maintain control.
Conscious experience of understanding how limitations are created in within Boundlessness, enables us to release the resistance of the mind and fully experience life. This allows us as practitioners, in the awareness of ourselves as the Infinite, to observe our experience without limitation.
High Magic provides access to the laws of manifestation at work in all eight levels of existence. Each of the eight levels magically interacts with the body of the practitioner.
The brain itself is not able to grasp limitlessness – therefore, when confronted with a boundless life, our mind tends to contract and become egoic, in order to maintain control.
Conscious experience of understanding how limitations are created in within Boundlessness, enables us to release the resistance of the mind and fully experience life. This allows us as practitioners, in the awareness of ourselves as the Infinite, to observe our experience without limitation.
High Magic provides access to the laws of manifestation at work in all eight levels of existence. Each of the eight levels magically interacts with the body of the practitioner.
Principle of High Magic 105: Eight centers open and activate in the body to release the claims of time as we integrate and live the eight principles of limitlessness.
The Portals of Limitlessness are the gates of High Magic in the body of the practitioner – portals between inner and outer space, cardinal points that represent the eight sub-personalities and eight Fields of Existence.
Activating the Portals of Limitlessness in the body of the practitioner automatically activates the portals between inner and outer space, and the practitioner begins to experience limitlessness. As a result, if we constantly turn our attention to Limitlessness, this experience will become a natural process for us.
Life with no limitations or opposites is the invaluable experience of the practitioner that has become aware of him/herself as an expression of the I Am Presence of The Infinite.
Activating the Portals of Limitlessness will enhance:
Webinar Course Program:
In order to participate in the webinar, it is recommended, but not required, to have the alchemical oils of High Magic and the oils for balancing the Sub-personalities of inner and outer space, in order to enhance the activation process.
Participants of the webinars will receive all materials necessary to practice independently.
"Ella & Sergey are doing an excellent job at presenting Almine's material in their webinars! Not only are they providing an excellent way of incorporating the material but they also add in their love and light energies. Doing these webinars, in a group setting with them, is amazing! It brings in more probabilities of the highest outcomes, as well as multiplying the effects more than doing the webinars alone would have. I recommend their webinars! If you are ready to go into the White Light Reality then I highly recommend the Principles of High Magic Webinar!"
With love, praise and gratitude for all you do Ella & Sergey,
Tina (Oregon, USA)
"I wanted to express my gratitude and thanks… I have such profound gratitude to Almine for what she is doing, and what she is offering to be a part of right now.
With certainty, the MerKaBa of Resurrection was successfully activated in my life. Truly, I am in continual awe of these ongoing webinars. I have never experience such exuberant, abundant, energy flow – or a feeling and sense of such utter protection and security.
This is a gift of Unfathomable worth. You have freely given us the key to the reality of the Immaculate White Light! Inestimable and Wondrous!!! Overflowing gratitude!!!
Thank you, Almine, Ella, Sergey, Ekaterina, Angels, and all the participants who helped create this amazing alchemy!"
ALL My love, Derek
"I don’t normally write about the course I take with you, but I must tell you about a recent experience. I am currently enrolled in the Merkaba of Resurrection and I have been practicing. For a couple of days I have been experiencing severe tendinitis on my right hand and becoming more painful every hour. I did my practice of igniting the Resurrection Merkaba because that’s our instruction before the next class. So, when it was fully activated I decided to visualize my hand as perfect without pain in the white light. After about five minutes It went from extremely painful to "good as new". Its been about eight hours now without any pain. Now I have a glimpse of the regeneration that’s possible".
Thank you, Greg
"This was such a deep deep awakening from the dream!! Such a magnificent webinar! I felt and saw such a deep deep peaceful state of being, at one with the Infinite. Something I only felt in the presence of Almine before. So much gratitude for all that you facilitate for us Ella! I could also feel this Infinite energy squirting into my physical body-field. Like black liquid spilling in to my body through the heart. This happened several times during the webinar. My heart has cleared, really a lot and the upgrade is complete now. I have a newly upgraded heart now.
I can see that my adrenal gland has healed so much more since the webinar. Also, both my old mom and dad are feeling much better now. I can see it in their faces and also they are jumping around the house. This is really a big change because, usually they just sit in their chairs and don't move around much.
The very strong spinal activation started for me, the night before the webinar. The energy surging through my spine and body in bed, was sooooo powerful that I could not even move my body for hours and hours!! I was able to get up in the morning.
During the webinar this "fire" along the spine was active again and the purple flame appeared on top of the head...!
My body cooled down after a few hours. There is still a lot of warmth in the body and I sleep with the window slightly open. ;)
Looking forward to these new abilities coming to expression. I can already hear more than usual and see lots of lights in my environment. My heart feels so much lighter!"
So much love, Dhani
"Wonderful activations Ella. Thank you!
Always appreciate your presence Sergey. :)
As a direct result of these webinars, with Almine's presence and the amazing group alchemy, many changes are occurring in my life!
I am mostly transforming and maintaining the lack of tension = timelessness, in my body. At times, I feel some tension in my neck and there are some explosions of light in my head. I can dissolve the tension easily by shifting my consciousness to the unknowable and of course, this also then integrates the new energies in my body easily:)
My body feels weightless and I don't eat regularly. Losing the excess weight very fast now and feeling very strong and grounded in my body. The Secret of the Desert oil has been very helpful for this.
The extra senses are very powerfully active and I am integrating new abilities easily. I still sleep, quite a bit sometimes, when the body changes are intense. Some nights are very wakeful and I am still in bed and resting.
Many changes are occurring in life also. The white light is instructing me and helping me integrate and completely blend with the Infinite intent and will. Almine's presence is very strong.
Many magical things are happening at work. I work with refugees from Syria and Africa and Sri Lanka. The nature of my work is very complex at times and often requires a change of plans. For me, it is as if I know exactly what will happen and am prepared ahead of time, miraculously! My boss has noticed this and is requesting my presence at events more often:)
I feel strongly grounded in an inner sense of peace. This is helped much by Almine's light elixirs of inner space (Messages for Lightworkers).
Also, my mother, father and sister are doing well. They only experienced some mild illnesses this winter. Usually they go through prolonged periods of sickness. My sister travelled to Sri Lanka and did not get sick at all this time!! This is a very big miracle indeed! :)"
Much love,
Unknowable - Dhani
"Ella, that was totally awesome!!! Thank you so much Sergey!!
I have never felt the presence of the Angel Gods so clearly before! I can feel them as I call upon them now, at any time. I am working with the power wheels and especially the one for Combining Inner and Outer space. :) The Angel Gods are very helpful and I can feel their presence so clearly as I call upon them. :)
Thank you so much for your guidance in reaching the presence of the Angel Gods and for our collective group alchemy. It is soooooo much more powerful than performing these practices by myself! I highly recommend this course, Magic of the Gods, to everyone. Connecting with these powerful Angel Gods in this way, has enabled me to feel their presence, much more clearly, in everyday life and with the use of all other power wheels and ceremonies. So grateful to Ella, for this great service she has rendered for all of us".
Big hugs and kisses,
"In fact, I have practiced alone different programs the past two years; I have never ever had a chance to participate physically in any programs before Almine's health issues. Since I started with these webinars courses in addition to the timemaps, the practice on the book "Bridge of No Time", I have felt significant progress on my journey." Joel
"Dear Beloved Team Russia,
In considering your work and great gift to me, and the world, it makes me think of a verse from the Tao Te Ching. “When the Masters work is done the people say, amazing we did it, all by ourselves!”
Perceiving this then, it is quite apparent to me that great work which is now being done in me is not because of my mastery, but rather yours.
It is to TeamRussia which I owe a profound thank you. It is upon your shoulders which I find myself able to stand. It is because of your great strength of heart, devotion, and, excellence that you now find yourself so closely positioned to our beloved Almine. You have found yourself entrusted with her most sacred knowledge, and given the task of disseminating it the world.
Sense my participation in your ongoing webinar classes you have been a true bridge to Almine for me. And have given me access to her teachings and power which I normally would not have.
Time and again you bring all the world together in wondrous group alchemical equations that create such effective change in me that I can only pause in reverence.
All the world meets on your doorstep, and it is to you dear Russia, which we owe a profound THANK YOU.
I say again, Thank you…
…Thank you Ella, Sergey, and Ekaterina for the unspeakable blessing that you are in my life." With unspeakable Love, Praise, and Gratitude,
"I just wanted to comment on how I feel when I am participating with the Russian Almine Team on a webinar. I have for many many years participated in numerous courses, too numerous to mention, and I have to say that I have never experienced such deep love and compassion, sincerity and heart-felt gratitude from those who are teaching the course as I do with Almine Russia. The beautiful music of heart felt love that Ella and Sergey emanate from their Infinite Selves is beyond words". Patty
"Blessings to you all! I have wished to express in words the feelings of gratitude for the Rune and Untaintable Existence courses and the results in my being from the alchemy of all participating. I cannot find the words and I think you know what I mean. There are no words only immense changes within and growing praise, gratitude, trust, and Divine Compassion. I have come to a place also of great joy in living and unfolding revelations of self within the Infinite. I am also being brought into a deeper more joyous experience of practicing Belvaspata and the experience within of being a Grand Master. Ella, Sergey, Ekaterina, and all who work to bring these courses into reality thank you for this great blessing. Also, a humorous experience I had with Sergey's music - I purchased The Infinite album and couldn't figure out why I did not like the music. It was like many notes were missing. I knew it was something within me and asked to know what was "going on". Well I listened again to the Infinite song and all the music was there for me to hear - it was wonderful! I was afraid to experience the depth of release of emotions. Your music led me through a most joyous experience. I danced within and throughout the Universe!"
With great love for you all, Lynette
"Just want to let you know what a tremendous joy it was to be part of Part 1 of the Webinar series Zero Point. I just love the synergy and profoundness. This is truly powerful and I feel altered already". Laura
"I feel like telling you about my experiences after the first part of the VIP practicum God Merkaba webinar.When my field of hope was established, the pyramids rotating. I felt somehow complete, "like it should be" I remember, my cells know this state of being :) A very deep feeling of "wanting to fly" came over me. The sensation was very touching, somewhere between hurting and bliss.. I'm deeply grateful for all the gifts and blessings I'm encountering in my life just now. You are great! And Almine is miraculous indeed".Irene
"Just amazing – the energies were unbelievably amazing and powerful! I feel every cell vibrating, my body is tingling :))) My whole body is humming, like it is about to take off! I love you and thank you from my whole heart!!!" Marina
"A huge THANK YOU for the webinar. Everything was so powerful. Just like at a retreat. I have never been able to go that deep at home before. Just super and super. Everything is opening up inside. Everything is made of gratitude )))" Elena
"Ella, I write you my testimonial about your webinars with sincere Love and Gratitude. Thanks to these practical sessions the material is very easy to learn, virtually without questions. All nuances are discussed, everything is explained in great detail, so the students have no problems practicing the techniques on their own – just listen and do, and sincerely thank your teacher for the work they put in. Dear Ella, I sincerely thank you for helping us all – huge thanks to you". With huge Love and Gratitude, Lena Ustinova
We are The Seer Almine's Studio, students of Almine tasked with continuing The Seer's Sound Healing program. We regularly create Sound Elixirs to heal current issues affecting the Earth and our Global Lightfamily, in keeping with The Seer's messages to us. All music recorded in the Studio is owned by Almine and produced with her Blessing, under her spiritual authority and according to her instructions. We also strive to make available products and teachings of The Seer that are not available on other platforms, as a complement to,, and
“…Thank you for the beautiful “Healing of the Earth” Sound Elixir! Wow, I’m experiencing so much magic since doing the ceremony...”
"What a joy, to have the privilege of allowing the Infinite to work Its miraculous acts of Love through us!
These unique musical tones invisibly activate delicate strings in us and our wonderful planet. They were born of authentic, innocent insights of pure hearts, for which reason they, without a doubt, bring the Earth messages and blessings from the Infinite.
The time will come when Almine will tell us the amazing planetary and cosmic events we initiated by such an extraordinary Musical Ceremony expressing our sincere love to the cradle of Cosmic Life – the wonderful and patient planet Earth. Inspiration and childlike innocence are all we need, for Infinite Intent to be gently transmitted to the planet without even the smallest distortion.
We have birthed a new humanity. As conscious parents, we create, with inspiration, a sacred space for our children to develop in.
And it is not somewhere out there, but right here, on our planet Earth that is awakened by the singing of birds, washed by the fresh morning dew, and fed by Infinite Intent.
There are many of us that are awakened, inspired and joyful. We are in every corner of the world. And our whole planet can become a unified, sacred, joyful home for the new humanity.
And all that we need for this is to remain in deep inner silence, alone with the planet, accompanied by enchanting musical sounds. And this is Alchemy worthy of true masters. The rest is done by the Infinite.
“This is truly an instrument of the Field of the One. Not only because it needs no translation to be understood by anyone in our Lightfamily, but also because now all of us, using this tool, co-create a new reality, a new Earth, a new Cosmos – all from one united, incorruptible, pure impulse, but each in their own way! And this what life in the Field of the One is all about!
Absorb the Elixirs with your whole being. Whatever corner of the Earth we live in, whatever cultural, ethnic or other traditions we come from, each one will certainly hear a personal message to them encoded in the Elixirs! The Elixirs have a message for absolutely everyone – for the ones that hear it now, and for the ones that will hear it later in Divine timing.
These Musical Elixirs are an eternal tool for our eternal path. They will activate new tones in us every time we listen to them, which will naturally and harmoniously weave into the graceful and elegant lacework of our new reality. This reality will remain forever new, because each new tone we access within changes it in incomprehensible ways.
The boundless horizons are forever in us! We have no need to go beyond them by going, or flying, or sailing somewhere. We just have to allow ourselves to experience them. The Elixirs facilitate this. Actually, they just do it – if, of course, we are open. And then our New Beginnings will never end, and our journey will stretch beyond the horizons of Eternity.”